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Several sets of instructions and programming techniques used in CNC machining center

Time:2015-11-11 11:06:00Hits:981

With the development of science and technology and the progress of the society, the performance and quality of the products are becoming higher and higher. Through several years of practical application and teaching practice and exploration, the author will own experience and experience summarized, hoping to inspire the majority of readers.
1 stop instruction
G04X (U) _/P_ is the tool to stop the time (feed stop, the spindle does not stop), the address is X or P after the number is suspended. The numerical value of the X to carry a decimal point, otherwise the value of the 1/1000 calculation, in seconds (s) as the unit, P behind the numerical can not take the fractional (ie, the integer representation), in milliseconds (MS) as the unit.

For example, X2.0 G04; or X2000 G04; pause 2 seconds P2000 G04;
In order to guarantee the precision of the hole bottom, the G88, G82 and G89, are required to have a suspended time, which can only be expressed by P. If X is used, the control system is considered as the X axis coordinate system. For example, the G82X100.0Y100.0Z-20.0R5.0F200P2000; a hole (100.0100.0) to the end of the hole is suspended for 2 seconds G82X100.0Y100.0Z-20.0R5.0F200X2.0; the hole (2.0100.0) to the end of the hole will not be suspended.

2 M00, M01, M02 and M30 of the distinction and contact
M00 is an unconditional pause instruction. Procedures for the implementation of the stop, the spindle stop. Restart the program, you must first back? Shi og state under the press CW (spindle) activate the spindle, then return to auto state, press the start button to start the program.
M01 for the program to pause the program. Program execution must open the control panel before the STOP OP key to be executed, the effect of the same after the implementation of the same as M00, to restart the program.
M00 and M01 are often used to test the size of the workpiece in the test or chip. M02 based program end instruction. Execute this instruction, feed stop, spindle stop, coolant off. But the program cursor is at the end of the program. M30 based program end instruction. Function with M02, the difference is that the cursor to return to the program head position, regardless of whether there are other procedures after the M30.
3 address H, D sense of the same
D, H has the same function, can be arbitrarily interchangeable, they all represent the address name of the digital control system, but the compensation value is the number, the key is to determine the address of the compensation after they. But in the processing center, in order to prevent the error, the general artificial H for the tool length compensation address, the number from 1 to 20, D for the tool radius compensation, the compensation number from 21 to start (20 knife knife library).
For example, G00G43H1Z100.0;